Welcome to Fatherhood - Dad to Dad Support


Guys, you have a great opportunity coming up real soon to meaningfully show up in a HUGE way for your expectant partner and earn some super easy Dad Card points. You’ve probably been hearing all about being “helpful and supportive” for some time now, but may have had some occasional challenges on figuring out what that exactly looks like on any given day. Let’s face it, nowhere is the saying “what’s true today might not be true tomorrow” more appropriate than in your ever changing pregnancy journey. But no matter where you are in the adventure – from “We’re pregnant!” all the way up to “Any day now!” - this Dad Tip is guaranteed to “count” in all the right ways.

Ready? Here goes. Simply head on out to your nearest drug store and walk over to the greeting card section. There you should find approximately 300,000 Mother’s Day cards to choose from, including a dozen or so of the extra fancy kind that have some sort of 3-D element or intricate origami sculpture hidden inside. I know, the whole card situation is completely out of hand these days, but that’s a topic for another time. Pick out a really nice one, and then more importantly, take a few minutes to write down some great “Words of Affirmation” for your expecting partner. Maybe tell her how excited you are to be starting a family with her. Maybe a few thoughts about your first date, or when you decided that she was truly “a keeper.” Maybe just an inside joke referencing your favorite movie. But whatever you write, make sure you also tell her what a great Mom she already is for your growing baby.

That’s the main point here – she is full-fledged Mama NOW, and has been since she first saw that positive pregnancy test. This is the very first Big Idea I talk about in Welcome To Fatherhood, the great truism that “Women become mothers when they find out they are pregnant, but men don’t become fathers until the baby is born.” You recognizing that reality for her is one of the best ways for you to be “helpful and supportive,” day in and day out, over the course of the pregnancy. Mother’s Day is a great chance to really put some whipped cream and a cherry on top of that, so go big here and get the $10 card. Oh yeah, and don’t forget to get one for your own Mom too!

For more Dad Card info, Big Ideas, and Dad Tips for better connecting with your pregnant partner and better preparing for what lies ahead in your journey towards the Dad Zone please check me and Welcome To Fatherhood .

Guest Post by David Arrell, coach, consultant and author of the book Welcome to Fatherhood, The Modern Man’s Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth and Fatherhood.

This was our IG live interview on my page. Dads matter! And so is learning how to be there for moms. I convinced him to start an IG account so we could chat live on IG after we rocked our interview on FB live. The interview was inspired by the mamas in my private FB group as well as in my practice, as well as both in person and online, who often ask for more dad to dad support by dads for their partners.

This is your 580 page pregnancy through postpartum bible (as my clients call it), a must have reference in adjunct to the online course; it includes the most effective holistic modalities for common issues and discomforts along the entire journey.

This is your 580 page pregnancy through postpartum bible (as my clients call it), a must have reference in adjunct to the online course; it includes the most effective holistic modalities for common issues and discomforts along the entire journey.

Give yourself, your partner & your baby the priceless gift…of the perfect preparation.  Don’t just wing it! Create it! Let Me Help You to Have the Most Exquisite Birth Experience!Beautiful photo by Megan Hancock Photography

Give yourself, your partner & your baby the priceless gift…of the perfect preparation. Don’t just wing it! Create it! Let Me Help You to Have the Most Exquisite Birth Experience!

Beautiful photo by Megan Hancock Photography


I’ve taken everything I’ve learned, trained and supported women and their partners with, locally and internationally, for over two decades in my private practice.

I’ve poured all of my love, passion, knowledge and experience into creating something truly special for you …my LOVE YOUR BIRTH online course! It is newly updated on a different host site, with 20+ additional bonus videos discussing key topics you always ask me about…at the same old pricing!

This is your key to an immensely positive birth, feeling confident, strong, relaxed, and empowered during the entire process, regardless of the twists and turns it may take.

Dads matter! And so is learning how to be there for moms. 

Where to find David:

Web - Welcome to Fatherhood - www.welcometofatherhood.com

Facebook - Welcome to Fatherhood (@welcometofatherhoodcommunity)

Instagram - David Arrell (@welcometofatherhood.wtf)

Birth Story of Transformation - Breaking Family Cycle of Negativity and Fear Around Birth


I wanted to share a wonderful birth story shared with us from a mama in our online support group Kelsey Rose....as she really transformed her story of fear and negativity around birth, that she grew up with and has a very different story to tell her daughter. She prepared so much, but she was determined, and did it!!!

Hey Anne,

I had my baby girl this morning! I went into labor yesterday morning with contractions 5 minutes apart. I had no bloody show, no mucus plug and no water breaking! I was only 1 cm dilated so they sent me home. I was pretty bummed but I went back 5 hours later (because they became unbearable and happened every time I stood up) and was 7 cm! I was shocked. I ended up getting an epidural at 8cm because my labor was stalling as I kept tensing up from the pain. I knew I couldn’t go on anymore. Within 3 hours I was fully dilated and pushed her out after only a few pushes! They were shocked at how fast I was able to push her out with an epidural and being a first time mom. The nurse had to catch her because the midwife couldn’t come in time! It was her first time catching a baby LOL. And I had no stitches or tearing! Such a huge relief! I’m so glad I can share this great story with her one day and break the cycle of fear around birth that I grew up with.

I am very proud of myself and Luna we got through it together and healthy. She’s doing so well. I would be honored if you shared my story! I felt so discouraged because I had no signs leading up to labor and started at just 1cm when I was checked. It felt amazing when I was told I went to 7cm so quickly even with zero signs of labor before that! I hope it can give other women some comfort to know that it’s possible to go from 0 to 100 so quickly! I’ve already taken many pictures LOL so I can post one to the group or email to you. Thanks again. I actually received the second edition of your Natural Birth Secrets book on Monday and spent the day going through it while I was having my sporadic contractions. It helped boost up my confidence and was perfect timing for the labor that came the next morning!

Now that breastfeeding is starting to be a bit less painful and I’m slowly adjusting to the lack of sleep, I’m coherent enough to add to my story that my whole life I was raised being told by my mother how horrible her labor with me was, how it was the worst and most painful experience of her life, and how it’s the reason she never had any other children. She gave birth in a hospital and from what she told me, I could tell that she really wasn’t given any options and had the unfortunately all-too-common traumatic hospital birth experience.

Since finding out I was pregnant, I was determined not to let her traumatic experience become my own. It all started with me looking into hypnobirthing. From there I went down the rabbit hole of reading and watching positive birth stories, reading several birth prep books and taking two birth courses (one was your Love Your Birth course that was helpful because she addressed both the physical processes and anatomy of birth but also the spiritual and psychological component), a newborn care course and a breastfeeding course. I was determined to get as much knowledge as possible to empower myself so that I knew what to expect going into labor, especially since I wanted a hospital birth. In my quest for knowledge I came across you, Anne when I saw an interview you had on Successful Breastfeeding LLC’s webinar series with Kelly Maher Carvell. I really liked how you spoke about birth and the preparation for it so holistically and described it as a challenging yet wonderful experience when surrounded by the right support system. It was the first time I had ever heard of birth spoken about in such beautiful terms instead of as a horrible nightmare. I strongly encourage all expecting mamas to empower themselves with knowledge so that birth is not a mysterious or scary event that you hope to just figure out when the time comes. Yes, I now believe that we were made to do this and that we can do this, but I also firmly believe that it takes a lot of preparation because we no longer live in societies where we are surrounded by birth (as is often said by you, Anne) and instead our society has taught us to be afraid of birth because it portrays only the worst depictions of birth for entertainment and shock value. I think all births, whether in a hospital or at home, medicated or unmediated, natural or cesarean can be beautiful experiences for any woman when she is surrounded by the right team and support system and is empowered with knowledge and confidence.

I thought of my grandma leading up to the birth and a few times during (who gave birth to all of her babies at home back in her country), but I think I was more focused on women in general being able to birth their babies. The doula who helped me had positive affirmation cards and one of them that I asked her to put on the wall while I was there was “Like millions of women before me, my body knows how to birth" (from your online course!).

Thank you so much for your continued support. I look forward to seeing you next month -to the future meetings (in your online support group)


I am excited to announce that my online Love Your Birth course has been improved and updated on a different host site with a lot of bonus video content (15 more videos on key topics!) at the same old pricing. Those who have already purchased it, please contact me through this site for new log in, as you all have lifetime access. Thank you to Megan Hancock Photography who has provided the stunning images for my website.

Stomach Bug or Food Poisoning During Pregnancy: Natural Remedies


Whether a stomach bug or temporary bout of food poisoning, having an upset stomach during pregnancy can be especially uncomfortable. 

Although you may feel very sick, vomiting and diarrhea are important defense mechanisms, enabling your body to rid itself of harmful substances like toxins and germs. Therefore, it is best to allow most simple cases to run their course without suppressing your symptoms.

Make sure to get plenty of rest, to enable yourself to heal.

Home Remedies for Stomach Bug and Food Poisoning


The main concern with stomach bug and food poisoning is excessive loss of body fluids resulting in serious dehydration, which in pregnancy can increase the chance of premature labor. When an acute bout of vomiting and/or diarrhea occurs, the first thing you need to do is let your irritated gastrointestinal tract heal by avoiding all food for 12-24 hours. But, try to keep hydrated by drinking frequent sips of filtered, spring or well water, or other clear liquid every hour or two (¼ cup water every 15-30 minutes is the minimum).

After 12 hours or when your symptoms have calmed down a bit, try taking clear fluids in sips or spoonfuls as frequently as you can tolerate. The ideal is to drink a total of at least at least 64 ounces of fluids daily, and you may need more if you have been dehydrated. Avoid oily liquids and milk at this time, which irritate the intestinal tract and interfere with its healing.

Better choices include:

  • Filtered, spring or well water

  • Electrolyte infused Smart Water

  • Pure coconut water

  • Diluted fruit juice

  • Herbal teas with honey (like ginger, peppermint or chamomile)

  • Miso, bone or vegetable broth

  • Chicken or any other low fat non-dairy soup stock

  • Rice or barley water (drink the water used to cook barley or brown rice)

  • Frozen fruit or fruit juice popsicles

  • Recharge or organic Gatorade electrolyte drinks (avoid the standard chemical-laden Gatorade)

  • A homemade electrolyte concoction:

    • Combine ⅛-¼ tsp salt, ¼ tsp baking soda, 1 tsp calcium/magnesium powder, 1-2 Tbsp honey, 1 qt spring or pure coconut water, and juice of 1 fresh lemon or lime to taste.

  • Drink a cup slowly every 1-2 hours. Even if you vomit it up, you will still get some.

After 24 hours of only liquids and as the symptoms improve, advance to a bland diet for the next day or two in addition to frequent fluids. Good food choices include bananas, applesauce, white basmati rice, dry white toast, white rice cakes or crackers, hot rice or wheat cereal cooked in water sweetened with pure maple syrup or honey, and mashed potatoes with a little salt.

Continue to avoid fats and dairy products (other than organic live culture yogurt), spicy or sugary food, caffeine and alcohol. An oil that actually helps relieve diarrhea is made from flax seed but you may prefer to take it as directed in capsule form. For now, stay away from high-fiber foods, like most raw fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Wait 48 hours after your symptoms resolve before eating these foods and returning to your normal diet. An upset digestive tract, like any other injury, needs time to heal. 

For any type of dysentery, eat unripe green bananas and basmati rice with plain yogurt for optimal gut health. Also eat fresh papaya with a FEW seeds, as they contain substances which kill many types of causative organisms responsible for intestinal infections. However, don’t ingest more than 1 Tbsp of the seeds daily in pregnancy. 


Reputable brands include Innate Response, Wish Garden, Gaia, Herb Pharm, Wise Woman Herbals, Pure Encapsulations and Eclectic Institute, or any of those in my online holistic apothecary.

As with any infection, eat a bulb of garlic once per day. You can bake the cloves in a little olive oil, salt and pepper, or cut it up raw and swallow a few cloves as pills, but you are more likely to tolerate taking New Chapter’s Garlicforce. This product is a wonderfully effective and very mild tasting encapsulated supercritical extract of garlic. 

You can also try Gaia’s Echinacea Supreme herbal tincture, 1-2 dropperfuls every few hours daily in juice. This will help kill germs like viruses and strengthen your immune system.

Drink a strong red raspberry leaf tea, or even better, make your own infusion of red raspberry leaf by immersing one ounce dried herb in one quart boiling water, brew for ½ hour, strain in a glass canning jar, and drink ½ - 1 cup up to every 30 minutes to 1 hour, according to the severity of your diarrhea. Add fresh mint, juice of lemon or lime and honey to taste.

Take Klaire labs probiotics twice daily for at least a few weeks to help resolve the diarrhea and replace healthy intestinal flora.

Slippery Elm is reputed to be the best herbal remedy for soothing and healing inflammation of the bowel and/or acid reflux irritation commonly felt after vomiting. Take capsules 3 times daily, suck on lozenges, or make your own paste by combining the powdered form with a few spoonfuls of honey-sweetened water, applesauce or hot cereal.

Ginger is great for relieving nausea. Try:

  • Making ginger tea by boiling a tiny piece or 1 tsp fresh grated ginger root in 1 cup of water for 5-15 minutes. Strain into your glass canning jar, add honey and/or lemon to taste, and sip up to 2 cups throughout the day. 

  • Drinking all natural ginger ale.

  • Taking Ginger Honey tonic, 1-2 spoonfuls as often as needed plain, in tea or sparkling water.

  • Sucking on ice cubes of ginger tea.

  • Ginger hard candy, chewables or candied ginger slices. 

  • Taking Ginger root powder in capsules, 250 mg up to 4 times per day (if no history of 2 or more miscarriages).

Dr. Andrew Weil recommends Blackberry root bark as a good herbal remedy for diarrhea. Take 1 tsp of the tincture every 2-4 hours, or make your own infusion by steeping a handful of the dried herb in 1 quart boiling water for 20 minutes, straining in your glass mason jar, and drinking a cup every 2-4 hours. He also advises carob powder, which is very soothing on irritated intestines after diarrhea. Mix 1 Tbsp with applesauce and honey for taste, and eat on an empty stomach 1-½ hours before or 3 hours after eating. If you have a lot of painful abdominal cramping, take opium tincture, 10-15 drops in a small amount of water every 3-4 hours for no more than 2 days. But take care, as it can be quite sedating.

For diarrhea, Bentonite Clay that is safe for ingesting, is studied to bind and rid the body of toxins and irritants, which provides effective relief of acute bouts of diarrhea. Take 1-2 Tbsp dissolved in distilled water 2-3 times daily for a few days. Another impressive complementary remedy is activated charcoal taken as directed on the bottle. It is said to be safe in pregnancy up to 50 grams 3 times daily for no more than a week. 

The essential oils of Chamomile, Peppermint or Geranium may be diluted and massaged into your abdomen to bring relief. Or, place a few drops in your essential oil diffuser, or glass spray bottle of water and spray it near you periodically.

Dr. Aviva Romm, in The Natural Pregnancy Book, recommends taking 2 capsules of goldenseal after the first trimester, every 4 hours for no more than 24 hours in cases of more severe dysentery. Stop if you feel your uterus contracting more than usual. She also writes about a wonderfully effective Japanese treatment of topical salt packs if you feel a round of vomiting approaching or if you have been vomiting frequently. To prepare:

  1. Heat ½ cup sea salt in a pan for 3 minutes.

  2. Put the salt in a pillowcase or cloth bag.

  3. Fold into a rectangular pad or small square, and wrap in a towel if too hot.

  4. Apply directly to your stomach (not belly).

Always remember to wash your hands with soap after going to the bathroom, and use separate towels until you are well again.

Homeopathic remedies are remarkably effective and safe in treating common ailments like a stomach bug in pregnancy. You can consult with a classical homeopath, or refer to books like Homeopathy For Pregnancy, Birth and Your Baby’s First Year by Miranda Castro for a remedy most specific to your symptoms. The remedy that works best for me is Arsenicum. Others report much success with Weleeda’s homeopathic combination Nausin (7–10 drops four times per day) especially for nausea. 

Do not take any medications (even the over-the counter-ones) without consulting with your practitioner, as many are not safe to use in pregnancy, slow your body’s attempt to heal yourself or mask important symptoms and give a false sense of reassurance.

If you need more personal guidance, schedule a consultation with me. If you are feeling overwhelmed, or do not even know what questions to ask, I can help you!

Contact your practitioner if these suggestions do not help and there is NO IMPROVEMENT in 24-36 hours, especially if:

  • Diarrhea and/or vomiting is incessant and you cannot keep anything down. 

  • You have severe abdominal pain.

  • Your temperature is over 101.

  • The vomiting material or stools is unusual (bloody, black tarry, grey, white or resemble coffee grounds).

  • There is yellowing of your skin or eyes.

  • You experience dark colored urine.

  • You have unusual fatigue for more than a few days and your discomfort is in the right upper part of your abdomen.

  • There is evidence of dehydration - your mouth is without saliva and your eyes are without tears, your eyes appear sunken and your normal skin texture is lost (if you pinch up some skin and it does not immediately snap back into place), and/or urination has reduced or stopped.

  • Your symptoms occurred after an injury or ingestion of a drug or poison.

  • Other family members or close contacts have been diagnosed with hepatitis.

  • You suspect a bacterial or parasitic infection (like Shigella, for example).

  • You experience regular uterine cramping or hardening, a new pattern of lower abdominal or back ache or pressure, vaginal bleeding or leaking of amniotic fluid.

  • Your baby is not moving as much as usual.

  • You are worried that something isn’t right.

Want a comprehensive holistic guide to the journey of getting pregnant, being pregnant, birth, breastfeeding, postpartum and beyond? Check out the second edition of my international and national best selling book Natural Birth Secrets.

Want a comprehensive holistic guide to the journey of getting pregnant, being pregnant, birth, breastfeeding, postpartum and beyond? Check out the second edition of my international and national best selling book Natural Birth Secrets.

Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy: The Dos and Don’ts for Natural Relief


Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are so common as to be considered normal, unless they cause symptoms that bother you (such as itching, pain and bleeding). In this post, you will find tips and tricks for preventing and reducing those irritating symptoms, and you can also refer to the blog about remedies for varicosities.


But first, some clarity. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins (enlarged blood vessels) that develop inside or just outside the anal area. They are caused by a combination of factors:

  • Increased pressure on veins in the pelvic area from the growing uterus 

  • The hormones of pregnancy, which increase blood volume and relax the vessel walls, allowing them to distend and become congested 

  • An inherited tendency

  • The pressure of gravity from being overweight or excessive weight gain in pregnancy

  • Constipation and straining to push out a bowel movement

Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy - The Dos



A variety of foods that nourish the circulatory system, such as:

Citrus fruits
Berries like strawberries, blackberries and raspberries
Black currants
Plums and prunes
Apricots, grapes, cherries, cantaloupe
Broccoli and asparagus
Alfalfa sprouts
Green peppers
Squash and sweet potatoes
Fresh parsley
Buckwheat, oats, wheat germ, quinoa, and other whole grains
Brewers or nutritional yeast
Organ meats

Use lots of fresh garlic, onions, ginger and turmeric in your cooking. 


Eat a bulb of fresh garlic daily. You can eat it roasted, sautéed, or raw, or even make a nice garlic-infused olive oil. Just peel and crush a full bulb, and let it soak in 1 cup of cold, expeller-pressed, extra virgin olive oil, for a couple of days. Use in dressings and marinades or any other way you use olive oil. If you’re not a garlic fan, try New Chapter’s Garlicforce caps.

And be sure to keep hydrated with at least 64 ounces of filtered, spring or well water or herbal tea daily between meals (at least 20-30 minutes before or 2 hours after eating).


Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes 5 times per week like brisk walking, swimming, dancing or prenatal yoga.


For relieving pressure on the lower veins do one of the following for 10-20 minutes twice per day (come on - they’re fun and a time for you to relax!):
Inverted yoga postures such as bridge, headstand and shoulder stand modified as needed. Use the wall for support, and don’t forget to support your body with props like blankets, bolsters or blocks . 

To try legs up the wall, lie flat on the flow with your buttocks all the way to the wall elevated on a folded yoga blanket, bolster or block. When dealing with hemorrhoids using props is ideal. Let your legs rest straight up the wall for 10-20 minutes 2 times daily. Take this opportunity to relax and focus on your breathing.

While doing bridge, practice strengthening your pelvic floor muscles by placing a yoga block under your sacrum and another block between your thighs. While inhaling, tilt your pelvis up toward your face as you slowly squeeze the block and draw your entire pelvic floor upward and inward, starting from its center. Hold as long as is comfortable, then release and return to resting your sacrum on the block as you exhale. Let your breathing be smooth, relaxed and deep as you do this. It takes practice but you will get it. Start with 25 repetitions per day, and work up to 50. This exercise also provides other benefits like:

  • Easier birthing

  • Reduced tearing

  • Less urinary incontinence

  • Better sex

  • Improved exercise and yoga performance 

  • Enhanced well-being


Do robust pelvic tilting for 5 minutes once or twice a day. Get on all fours and move your pelvis up and down or forward and backward. It is very helpful to coordinate the movements with your breathing. For example, you can inhale while tilting forward and exhale while tilting back, or vice versa. Gradually make the movements stronger and faster, using your core muscles to protect your back. 

You can also circle your hips in both directions and do figure eights. You can also try them while standing by tilting your pelvis back and forth in the same way. Some good dance music can help you get into the rhythm!

Make sure when pushing during birth, to be on hands and knees, kneeling or standing leaning forward, or side lying, which lessens pressure on veins.

Photo by Julia Sywers

Photo by Julia Sywers


Most of the supplements and herbal remedies I recommend are available on my customized online holistic apothecary. Find the best supplements that have gone through my thorough screening process there. Look in the category for hemorrhoids and varicosities or search them individually. My online dispensary is a convenient way for you to purchase my hand-picked, professional-grade, whole food supplements and other natural health products. Ordering is simple, and the products will be shipped directly to your home or work within a few days.

Follow this supplementation protocol:

Make sure you are taking your daily supplements including whole food prenatal multivitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, so that you are getting all the nutrients you need. In addition, each day take:

  • 1000 - 1500  mg of vitamin C with bioflavonoids until 36 weeks pregnant, then reduce to 500 mg

  • 500 mg Rutin 1-2 times per day

  • Whole food B complex, or 50 mg of vitamin B6 1-2 times per day

  • 500 mg of evening primrose, borage, black current or flaxseed oil after the first trimester

  • Kelp powder or capsules as directed on the container if you do not have hyperthyroidism or a sensitivity to iodine

  • 200 - 600 IU of vitamin E until the seventh month if you are otherwise healthy, then taper to 400 IU

  • 400 mg Magnesium

Take the homeopathic remedy Hamamelis 30 c three times per day.

If you are anemic, use herbal iron to avoid constipation.


Nettle and Oatstraw are herbs known to strengthen the vascular system, lessen varicosities and prevent them from feeling uncomfortable and swollen. Drink 1-4 cups daily of the recipe below, according to how severe and extensive your hemorrhoids are. To make your own infusion:

  1. Soak a generous handful of dried Nettle leaf and a large pinch of Oatstraw in 1 quart boiling water for 2 hours.

  2. Strain to a canning jar.

  3. Add a dash of honey, lemon or lime juice, or fresh mint leaves to taste.

  4. Drink hot or cold.

You can also take standardized extract of Horse chestnut or if higher doses are needed for more extensive cases, Venistat and use as directed on the bottle. If you are not pregnant and otherwise healthy, take Butcher’s Broom as directed on the bottle. 


While sitting or lying in a comfortable quiet place, take some slow deep abdominal breaths until your mind is quiet. Then visualize your blood flowing easily through your veins in your anal area, back up to your heart, without any resistance. Imagine your varicose veins getting smaller and smaller, then eventually resolving. See yourself as healthy and strong. This can be easily added to your regular meditation practice.


When experiencing a hemorrhoid flare-up, there are a number of natural home remedies available to ease your discomfort.

Wear a small soft ice pack held in place close to the affected area by a belly band for vulvar varicosities.

Applying local herb infused compresses to the area can be very soothing and healing. You can make your own by soaking a small cloth or round pad to make a compress with the essential oils of lavender or frankincense.  Make a bunch in advance and freeze them in a zip lock bag. Also try applying these and do regularly what feels best for you:

  • Wet or dry baking soda to relieve itching

  • Lemon juice or raw apple cider vinegar to reduce swelling or bleeding

  • Raw potato to ease swelling and pain

  • Garlic oil, or a peeled clove of garlic inserted into the rectum overnight to reduce swelling.

  • Regular Black tea bag, steeped in a little hot water for a few minutes, then squeezed to remove the water; apply it several times daily as a poultice to your hemorrhoids

  • Pure Aloe Vera gel to reduce bleeding

  • Herbal ointments containing Comfrey to help reduce swelling, bleeding and pain

  • An herbal combination of Plantain, and Yarrow ointment or salve to relieve pain and shrink hemorrhoids quickly

  • Horse Chestnut can be purchased in liquid form, and made into a compress, especially in combination with Plantain, Witch hazel, and even Pilewort and Yellow Dock root, which can be applied locally as often as needed. You can also add to your compresses Yarrow, Oak bark, Calendula, Don quai, Bayberry bark, and/or Mullein to help relieve aching and swelling, and tighten the distended veins. Any combination of these herbs can be used topically as a gel, salve, cream or ointment.

  • Combinations in an herbal salve or ointment to soothe and relieve hemorrhoids

  • Already made Witch Hazel compresses (known as Tucks in the pharmacy or Hamamelis as a homeopathic remedy in the health food section) to reduce inflammation and swelling

  • Homeopathic or herbal hemorrhoidal ointment or cream throughout the day and before bowel movements to ease their passage

You can also wipe yourself with these compresses after a bowel movement instead of toilet paper, or moisten the toilet paper with liquid Witch Hazel. 

Smear the hemorrhoids with cream or soapy water and try to gently push them back inside. Then tighten your perineal muscles, your mula bandha and practice Kegel or pelvic floor exercises for a few minutes to help them stay in.

Try a soothing warm sitz bath for 15-20 minutes, followed by 1 minute of a cool sitz bath 4-6 times per day. A sitz bath is a special shallow container designed to sit in that fits on most toilets, and directs the water and healing herbs to the perineal and anal area.

You can add the above mentioned essential oils, herbs or Epsom salts to the water. Most hemorrhoids will shrink after a few days of frequent herbal sitz baths. This herbal sitz bath will come in handy postpartum as well, to cleanse, soothe and hasten healing. 

Use a pillow or special round donut cushion when you need to sit on a chair.

Sleep on your side.

Shine a red heat lamp to affected area.

Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy - The Don’ts

When dealing with hemorrhoids, there are some foods and activities to avoid. For example:

  • Excessive weight gain and constipation, as they will aggravate and contribute to varicosities.

  • Straining on the toilet or sitting in the squatting position for prolonged periods, as it increases pressure in the area and encourages hemorrhoids.

  • Highly processed and refined white flour products, foods that are high in sugar, refined vegetable oils or partially hydrogenated fat and chemicals.

  • Long periods of sitting or standing (try to rest on your side with your hips and legs elevated three times daily).

  • Sitting on hard surfaces (instead, use an inflatable tube seat or cushion).

  • Squatting while pushing in labor.

Consuming the following can aggravate hemorrhoids:
Black pepper
Hot sauces and curries
Coffee (even decaffeinated)
Cigarette smoke

Consult a professional homeopath or acupuncturist skilled in traditional Chinese medicine, osteopath or chiropractor especially if none of the above suggestions help and your problem is chronic.

Contact your provider or schedule a consultation with me if nothing seems to work or if you have severe pain, persistent bleeding or lumps. Also, check with your provider before using any over-the-counter medication, as most drugs relieve symptoms without healing the problem and contain toxins like mercury or other substances that are not safe during pregnancy.

For further inspiration and optimal health during pregnancy, birthing and postpartum, please make sure to take my online Love Your Birth course, so you can ROCK your journey wherever and however you plan to give birth.

In adjunct, for additional helpful and uplifting information, insights and tips you can read my Natural Birth Secrets book.

Suffering with low back or pelvic discomfort? Having common pregnancy aches and pains and need some additional support?

Check out Bellefit’s prenatal support wear here.


Natural Remedies and Resources for Stress in Pregnancy and Beyond


Pregnancy can be an emotional rollercoaster, a time of increased sensitivity, and life circumstances often feel heightened. However, there is a wide variety of natural remedies and resources to help steady moods and enjoy the beautiful experience of pregnancy. The below recommendations will not only assist with stress relief during pregnancy, but during many stages of life. Also, do check out a recent related blog where I talk about 40 wonderful ways you can manage the powerful waves of emotions in pregnancy and beyond.


For general health and physical and emotional well-being during pregnancy, make sure to eat healthy foods, stay well hydrated, and take supplements to make sure you supply yourself with needed nourishment not supplied by diet alone. Take:

  • A whole food prenatal multivitamin with minerals

  • Fish oil tested free of pollutants, for omega three essential fatty acids, 1000-2000 mg 1-2 times daily 

  • Calcium, 250-500mg 2-3 times daily

  • Magnesium, 200-500mg 2-3 times daily

  • Vitamin B complex, 20-50 mg daily

  • Vitamin D, 1000 -2000 units per day, more if low blood levels

  • An excellent mega probiotic once daily

Get screened for iron deficiency anemia, which is common in later pregnancy, as it can exacerbate your emotional symptoms and is easy to treat. If you are prone to low iron levels, since it is almost impossible to get the necessary amount of iron in pregnancy from diet alone, you may want to prevent anemia early on by taking an herbal iron supplement like Floradix Iron tablets or in liquid.


A wonderful life-changing approach to internal stress, feelings of depression and anxiety is learning about present moment awareness and mindfulness, and incorporating it into your daily life.

Try to make a conscious effort to increase feelings of forgiveness, appreciation, love, joy, optimism and healing, while letting go of anger, resentment, envy, fear, sadness and negativity. Most importantly, increase your awareness of anxiety provoking, tension causing, or depressive thought patterns that are not serving you. Try to shift your attention to something more positive and ultimately change your mental state. You can actually transform them at their deeper subconscious roots with Clarity breathwork

Know that you are in charge of your feelings and how you react to stressful or painful situations, and that you have the ability to change your attitude and reaction to life experiences to more health enhancing responses. For example, you can surrender to and totally accept unpleasant life events over which you have no power. You can also view them as potential gifts, powerful stimulus to change, a wake-up call, an opportunity for personal growth, redirection and spiritual practice. 

You can always try to focus as much attention as possible on the now, literally without letting your thoughts wander and dwell into the past or imagined future. Mastery over your thoughts, attitudes and reactions can have a dramatic impact on your brain chemistry, balancing the hormones responsible for affecting moods and emotions, and preventing and even treating clinical depression and anxiety.

Reduce feelings of tension and increase feelings of calm centeredness and balanced grounding by taking a “healing interval” to meditate for 10-20 minutes 2-3 times per day. Sit comfortably and quietly. Keep your eyes closed and internally focused between your eyebrows or softly gazing at a low, still object or place (like where the floor meets the wall). Turn off the mental noise and think and do absolutely nothing. Simply be aware of your breathing in all its details, the present moment and everything that you notice within it. If you get lost in thought, simply bring your attention back to watch your breath.

Tap into your spiritual self and practice slow deep abdominal breathing, yoga (especially Yin, prenatal, gentle and restorative), QiGong, Tai Chi, progressive muscle relaxation techniques (yoga nidra), visualization and guided imagery, or cutting edge stress reduction audio programs and courses. For example, imagine you are in a place where you feel whole, inner joy and peace, and spiritually connected. Or think of a healing or rejuvenating spiritual energy or light flowing through and around you. This is an essential, yet easy to learn, tool with endless benefits and rewards to your physical and emotional health. Locate your nearest Zen Center (Zen is NOT a religion and does not conflict with any religion) or read any book by Thich Nhat Hanh, Pema Chodron, or Shunryu Suzuki to learn the basics of meditation and Zen practice.

Make sure you are getting enough sleep at night, and rest during the day. Listen closely to your body’s messages. You may need to either slow down or become more busy with things that bring you deeper satisfaction and enrichment. You may need more time for yourself, or you may need to focus more on giving or helping others. It is extremely beneficial to find a small way to help someone in need each day, by giving your time, energy and presence to ease the burden and increase the happiness of even one person. Focus on connections with family and friends, healing relationships, making peace and giving love.

Minimize or avoid watching and reading the news, or take periodic news fasts. Unplug from the computer and smart phone as much as possible, especially reduce time spent on addictive programs and apps (including computer games, social media, and even email) as they increase inner stress, anxious feelings, impair well-being, and cause a variety of health issues. Empower yourself to listen to your body and choose limited times and online activities you enjoy or absolutely need to do. For additional information and guidance, read “How to Break Up With Your Phone: The 30 Day Plan to Take Back Your Life,” by Catherine Price.


Start with being breath awareness - being more conscious about your breath, and simply focusing all of your attention on your breathing. Get curious about all the details of your sensations as you inhale and exhale, without trying to change anything. Notice what you are currently seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, tasting. Just watch without judgment. This brings you to the present and is deliciously relaxing. 

Before going to bed at night, as well as before rising in the morning, periodically throughout the day, and whenever you feel stressed, triggered, down or upset, practice the following 3-part breathing exercise: 

  1. Exhale slowly through your mouth with an audible sigh while consciously releasing any and all muscle tension.

  2. Imaging a pump expanding your abdomen and lower back as you breathe down deep into your belly.

  3. Allow ribs to expand with air, then inhale air into your upper chest towards your collar bone and shoulders 

  4. Inhale in this way for a count of 4.

  5. Hold for a count of 4 while staying relaxed.

  6. Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 4, releasing in the same order as the inhale, collapsing/returning to baseline, your abdomen, ribs, then upper chest. This is the ideal form of breathing, as opposed to rapid shallow breathing. With each exhale, let go and relax more. 

  7. Repeat this cycle a total of 8 times or at least a few minutes. 

Once you get the hang of it, play with various types of breathing. Try  several minutes of inhaling and exhaling, each to a count of 3, 4, 5 or 6 without the hold, keeping it smooth and even. Then double the length of exhalation. For example, so if you inhale to a count of 3, then exhale to a count of 6. 

See how it feels to triangle breathe for a few minutes. Inhale for a count of 3 or 4, exhale to the same count of 3 or 4, then pause for the same count of 3 or 4, while consciously and deeply relaxing your diaphragm muscle of respiration, as well as all other muscles. Repeat for several cycles.

Then see how it feels to box breathe. To do this, inhale to a count of 3, hold for a count of 6, exhale for a count of 6, hold for a count of 3. Repeat for several minutes. Many love this type of breathing so much they do it as often as they can, such as while waiting, in transit, before rising in the morning and going to sleep at night. 

These are wonderful natural tranquilizers, especially if you do it often. While breathing, be mindful and just observe and release any muscle tension working your way slowly from head to toe, and then be mindful of what you are currently seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, tasting (just watch without judgment …this brings you to the present and is wonderfully relaxing). You do this and you are getting the benefits of both slow deep breathing and meditation.

Another great breathwork technique that disengages your conscious attention from thought and relaxes the nervous system, and can be done any time (like when traveling, waiting in line, resting, bathing, or on the toilet) is forced exhalation. After a normal breath, try squeezing as much air out as possible using your intercostal muscles, then allow breath to come in naturally and deeply, but automatically. Repeat the cycle for several minutes.

These breathwork techniques are simple to do, health enhancing, totally safe, and without side effects. If you need more personal guidance, schedule a session with me


For more information about thought and emotional mastery, and other great ways to improve your overall well-being, read more from the variety of resources below. Make a commitment to practice and transform your life for the better. It is beyond worth it to feel your absolute best. There are amazing books about miraculous tools to remedy wounds from the past, relieve internal stress, tap into your inner power and basically heal almost all stress-related problems of the heart, mind and body to live a vibrant, joyful life.

Some great books include: 

Just Breathe by Dan Brule  

Breath Love  by Lauren Chelec Cafritz

Breathe Deep Laugh Loudly by Judith Kravitz

Conversations with the Goddesses by Agapi Stassinopoulos

Pussy: A Reclamation by Regina Thomashauer

Practicing the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

From Panic to Power by Lucinda Bassett

Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life by Wayne Dyer

Loving What Is by Byron Katie

Full Catastrophe Living by John Kabat-Zinn

Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach 

True Refuge by Tara Brach

Accomplishing More by Doing Less by Marc Lesser Book

The Journey: A Practical Guide to Healing Your Life and Setting Yourself Free by Brandon Bays

Natural Health, Natural Medicine by Dr Andrew Weil

A Mind of Your Own: The Truth About Depression and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives by Dr. Kelly Brogan

Own Your Self: The Surprising Path beyond Depression, Anxiety, and Fatigue to Reclaiming Your Authenticity, Vitality, and Freedom by Dr. Kelly Brogan 


drwaynedyer.com for more resources from Dr Wayne Dyer.

thework.com for more from Byron Katie, about loving what is.

stresscenter.com to learn about Attacking Anxiety and Depression, a Self-Help, Self-Awareness Program.

behavioraltech.org to locate a cognitive behavioral therapist closest to you.

mbct.com for resources and info on a proven mindfulness-based cognitive approach to feelings of chronic unhappiness and depression.

mindfullivingprograms.com offers courses using the mindfulness-based stress reduction program (MBSR).

drweil.com to learn more from one of the founding fathers of integrative medicine - merging complimentary alternative health care with science addressing the mind, body, heart and spirit.

avivaromm.com is an excellent resource for herbs and natural remedies for common aliments facing women and children, including depression and anxiety, by renowned midwife, physician and herbalist, who bridges traditional wisdom with modern medicine.

neuroassist.com provides information regarding amino acid support for emotional health.

thejourney.com offers retreats and local practitioners teaching deeply awesome and extremely effective mindbody approaches to health.

kellybroganmd.com for wonderfully effective holistic and integrative psychiatric approaches to mental wellness without medication.

mamagenas.com the official site for Mama Gena’s School of the Womanly Arts, leader of a global movement to reclaim the feminine, helping countless women to reclaim their power, feel exquisitely comfortable within their bodies and souls, and live with radiant pleasure.

Ibfbreathwork.org the international organization for conscious breathing and breathwork for optimal health and well-being. This site also lists local practitioners and retreat workshops that are extremely transformational and profoundly healing for thousands and thousands of people around the world.


Most of the supplements and herbal remedies I recommend are available on my customized online holistic apothecary. Find the best supplements that have gone through my thorough screening process there. Look in the category for mental/emotional well-being or search them individually. My online dispensary is a convenient way for you to purchase my hand-picked, professional-grade, whole food supplements and other natural health products. Ordering is simple, and the products will be shipped directly to your home or work within a few days.

Herbs are mentioned last, as they can be used as supportive to your personal growth and self mastery efforts and, except for nourishing tonics, are for short term use only. For best results, they should not be relied upon alone, used without the above mentioned techniques. Inner peace and happiness are an inside job. 

Drink Red Raspberry leaf, Skullcap, Motherwort, Chamomile, Lemon balm and/or Lavender tea to relax you. Peppermint or Spearmint tea will lift your spirits.  You can make a lovely calming infusion, which is more effective than the ready made teas, by mixing a pinch of each dried herb: chamomile, lavender and lemon balm. Add to 1 cup boiling water, steep covered in a glass mason jar for 15-20 minutes, strain, add lemon, fresh mint or honey to taste, and drink. 

Nettle and Dandelion are common herbs recommended in pregnancy to take as a nourishing tonic, but they are also wonderful for regulating blood sugar, supporting the adrenals, improving nutrient intake and building iron levels. In turn, this can balance your emotions, lessen mood swings and irritability.

To make an infusion:

  1. Soak a handful of each dried herb in 1 quart of boiling water for 3-4 hours.

  2. Strain in a mason glass canning jar.

  3. Add lemon or lime juice, fresh mint or honey to taste.

  4. Drink 1-3 cups per day. 

Nettle and Dandelion can also be taken as a tincture, 1 dropperful each 3-4 times daily.

Oatstraw works best to nourish and calm the nervous system when taken over time. You can add a generous pinch of the dried herb to the infusion above. Or, take 1 dropperful of the tincture of fresh creamy milky oat tops in its most potent form 1-2 times daily.

Motherwort is great for occasional use after the first trimester, to help restore emotional balance when feeling stressed, restless, irritable, or overwhelmed. Take 1/2 -1  dropperful of the tincture. Repeated if needed every 15-30 minutes for 3 hours or up to 2-3 times daily for 2-3 days.

Skullcap has a similar effect as Motherwort, but more helpful to calm, and can be used regularly. Take ½ - 1 dropperful of tincture a few times per day. Both Skullcap and Motherwort are helpful to have on hand in labor as well as postpartum.

Passionflower is a great herb to take when feeling cranky, short tempered, anxious or experiencing frequent changes of mood. Try ½-1 dropperful of the tincture or 2 capsules of standardized extract up to 3 times per day as needed.

Reishi Mushroom is an excellent natural remedy for stress and anxiety. It is calming and also helps with sleep. Take 1-2 capsules up to three times daily. 

Valerian can be taken on occasion, especially if you can not fall asleep at night because of feeling stressed or anxious. Take 2 capsules of standardized extract or one dropperful of the tincture in juice to help with taste.

CBD from hemp oil. This is the new rage, as it is gently calming, relieves anxiety and helps with sleep without the potential risks of the THC component of cannabis on the developing fetus. Results from anecdotal evidence and preliminary research, although sparse (as is common with most natural remedies in pregnancy), are promising. Make sure it is absolutely pure, and from a reputable source who can recommend proper dosing or from pharmacies licensed to dispense it. It is usually taken as several drops under the tongue.

Bach Flower Rescue Remedy can be used in temporary stressful situations, 4-6 drops every 10-15 minutes for a few hours.  Repeat as needed. There are many flower essences effective and safe for specific transient emotional symptoms on an energetic level, developed by physician Dr. Bach. If you are interested in exploring this modality, get yourself a wonderful reference and a a starter kit for you to use now and beyond for your growing family.

Homeopathic remedies are wonderfully safe and effective for relieving emotional stresses and imbalances. You can consult a classical homeopath, or refer to books like Homeopathy For Pregnancy, Birth and Your Baby’s First Year by Miranda Castro.

Dr. Aviva Romm advises in “The Natural Pregnancy Book” taking a small dose of American Ginseng, Schisandra Berries and Eleuthero, 1/2 tsp each alone or total in combination 2 times per day to nourish your adrenals especially if you are overtired, burned out, overworked or overstressed. I would say it is best to avoid them in the first trimester. See her recent more comprehensive blog on remedies to support your adrenals in stressed modern times.

St. John’s Wort can help relieve mild to moderate depression. Take it if you are not pregnant (although if you are expecting, it may be a safer alternative than the common antidepressant prescription medications, to take in consultation with your provider).  Dr. Andrew Weil advises 300 mg three times per day of an extract standardized to 0.3 % hypericin. Allow at least 2 months for the full effect, and minimize sun exposure if you develop a photosensitivity reaction. 

SAMe is another natural remedy for mild to moderate depression and/or anxiety. Dr. Andrew Weil recommends the butanedisulfonate form, in enteric coated capsules or tablets, 400–1600 mg. per day on an empty stomach. 

If not pregnant, lavender Oil can be taken one capsule before sleep for the occasional bout of insomnia or anxiety. You can try Blue Vervain, 1/2 to one dropperful 1-3 x daily. Also take Rhodiola - as a tonic herb for mild depression, anxiety and stress, 100-200 mg twice daily. Choose an extract standardized to 2-3% rosavins and 0.8-1% salidrosides. This usually improves anxiety and sleep, but needs to be taken more regularly. Obviously stop it if it is too stimulating and worsens insomnia. You can also try Ashwagandha, if you feel overstressed and burned out. Dissolve 1-2 tsp of the powder in your smoothie, tea or warm milk for 5-10 minutes 2-3 times per day. Or, take 2-3 dropperfuls of the tincture twice daily and before sleep, or 2-5 grams of the capsules daily in divided doses.  One of my favorite remedies for calming anxiety and inner stress related insomnia is Kava Kava. You can take a few drops up to a dropperfuls of the tincture or 150 -450 mg of the encapsulated liquid capsules before bed for occasional short term use only. Do not use if you are taking any substance including alcohol or medications that affect the liver, or you have any liver issues. This is one of my favorite herbs for anxiety and/or insomnia from inner stress and is usually well tolerated and very effective.

Dr. Aviva Romm is an excellent resource for herbs and natural remedies for depression and anxiety, and if you are struggling with psychological symptoms, integrative holistic psychiatrist Dr. Kelly Brogan’s online course and associated resources are a must.

Contact your provider if these suggestions do not help and your negative emotions are persistent and becoming too frequent or strong to cope with, especially if you:

  • Have a history of depression or anxiety needing prescription medication

  • Are having trouble functioning

  • Are eating or sleeping too much or too little

  • Have frightening thoughts

  • Experience severe oscillation of moods between wild elation and despair

  • Feel at risk for harming yourself or others

Such severe symptoms require psychiatric evaluation and often medication to prevent or treat a more serious illness. However, try to avoid mind-altering drugs and medications (such as sedatives, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, antihistamines and steroids) unless absolutely and medically necessary.

Do not take any herb or medication before discussing it with your provider, as many are not safe for use in pregnancy. Do not take any prescription anti-anxiety or anti-depressant drug unless you are really suffering and none of these suggestions help, and you are closely supervised by your psychiatrist.

Check out my number one international best selling book Natural Birth Secrets second edition, and in adjunct, my Love Your Birth course, an online version of how I have helped thousands in my local practice. Both resources are unique, but each provide an in depth, one-of-a-kind holistic approach created by me, a seasoned nurse midwife of over two decades, who has seen everything! In both you will learn how to master your inner calm for pregnancy, labor, birth and life beyond.

For more information on having the pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience of your dreams, check out my Love Your Birth Online Course.

For more information on having the pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience of your dreams, check out my Love Your Birth Online Course.