Love Your Birth
Women reach out to me because they want the birth of their dreams. Some come to me with a lot of fear, they don’t trust their bodies, they are afraid. Others want a much better birth experience than they had previously. With an average of four babies being born every second around the world, way too many women experience birth as nothing more than a routine, painful, or even traumatic event. It is totally possible to experience your labor and birth as a peak life experience that is safe, joyful, and an empowering memory to cherish and source courage from for life. No matter where you live, where and how you plan to birth, I can help you. Many have called me their holistic birthing mentor!
Take a walk with me, Anne Margolis, where I talk on topics that matter to you on your journey of planning pregnancy, birth, postpartum and beyond.
Over 45 short, sharp video talks, covering:
Planning pregnancy
What to do
The preconception appointment
How to find & choose a provider
When to start prenatal care
Elective testing
Pep talk for first trimester feeling sick symptoms
Group B Strep
Internal exams
Preventing late pregnancy panic & birth trauma
Pep talk for going past due date
What we can control & when we need to let go & flow
What happens at the prenatal home visit when planning a homebirth
How to know if your tub is good for water labor/birth
Tub temperature, when to set up & get in
Planning a homebirth & packing a hospital suitcase?
Dealing with homebirth in apartments or with neighbors close by
Postpartum prep
Fear of losing control
Pep talk for second time mama birth fears
How we can improve birth outcomes
Why the name Home Sweet Homebirth for all settings
Handling emergencies out of hospital - at home or birth center
Need for advocacy in hospitals & why we must be the change
Soothing nature and labor sounds
Visual for birth
Inspiration for your birth
The huge gift in birth
Dogs & cats at birth
When to call your provider in labor - noticing stages & progression
Early labor pep talk
Pep talk for on and off or prolonged labor
The post birth sacred pause
Dealing with birth ‘mess’
Planned unattended freebirth
Some things we learn from animals
Preparation begins in pregnancy, what you need to do, what support is needed
Dealing with emergencies - processing & healing afterwards
Postpartum illness, depression/anxiety
Gifts to give your midwife
Holistic Health and Healing
What is it?
Importance of posture & improving it
Pausing throughout the day
Tools for hard days
How to find your inner calm
Transforming ‘what if’ thinking
Meditation - why and how
Self-care non-negotiables
Watch anywhere/anytime, on your PC, laptop, tablet or mobile.
We can personally work together no matter where you live.
Rock Your Trimesters is a great supplemental support option if you are healthy and doing well, but you find that you don’t connect with or know your provider(s). They don’t spend much time with you and you’d like some customized, personal midwifery support and guidance regularly, and more frequently than once a trimester.
The Love Your Birth Online Preparation Course is my signature, on demand, comprehensive doctor and midwife recommended online home study program to fully and effectively prepare you to ROCK and LOVE your birth. It includes thorough preparation in pregnancy for labor, birth, postpartum, newborn care and breastfeeding, with 20 plus new bonus videos covering commonly ask questions and key topics, at same old pricing.
Rock Your Trimesters is a great supplemental support option if you are healthy and doing well, but you find that you don’t connect with or know your provider(s). They don’t spend much time with you and you’d like some customized, personal midwifery support and guidance each trimester.
This course has 16 yoga classes plus bonus material:
Seven ~ 60-80 minute Prenatal Yoga classes
Seven ~ 60-80 minute Mindful Hatha Flow Yoga classes
A soothing Gentle Slow Flow Yoga class
A Restorative Yoga class for deep relaxation
Bonus videos of an hour Live more advanced Vinyasa Class, shorter breaks of yoga anywhere anytime, use of props - like the wall, a chair, yoga blocks, yoga belts, yoga blankets and bolsters to enhance your practice, and practicing with your baby or pet.
The prenatal yoga 7 class series will invite you to grow, strengthen, focus, train and enhance your mind, body, heart and spirit. Discover for yourself the calming, healing and transformative power of yoga - intentional meditative movement with breath. Classes begin with meditation made simple using breathwork, gradual warm up, increasing difficulty as well as yoga play, gentle cool down, and end with restorative practices in deep relaxation. They are slow flowing, with space to explore specific poses but are meant to challenge you. Classes are different each session, with classical fundamental alignment based asana fused with modern postures and their many modifications and varied creative transitions. The classes are taught with modifications for pregnancy, incorporate positions for positively influencing baby’s position and active birthing as well as those to relieve common discomforts in pregnancy. They also are fused with meditative, breathwork and visualization techniques and tools for coping with and easing sensations of labor and birth, which will transform your childbirth experience with regular practice.
The seven classes are there for you to practice a different class each day of the week or according to your own frequency, then start over again from the beginning of the series. Each class ranges from on average 60 minutes to 80 minutes, and they build on each other; following the sequence from class 1 onward is advised if it is your first time taking the series or are a beginning practitioner. Classes are mindful, at a slow safe pace, gentle but challenging, so that you build strength, flexibility & agility. They start with the basics but are for all levels, and beginners too are welcome! If you are not pregnant, you can use the prenatal classes as beginner classes, just modify as needed and use any mention of pregnancy and labor as it pertains to any labor of your own life. The need to relax into intensity and the multiple benefits of yoga practice pertain to everyone. Or simply take the general Mindful Hatha Flow Yoga Class Series online course.
Once you hone your skills, you can take the Mindful Hatha Flow 7 Class Series that follows, doing your own modifications as needed - for pregnancy or wherever you are on your yoga journey, or simply start them after you are recovered postpartum. They also build on one another and can be practiced successively until you are ready to mix and match and create your own classes and practice schedule.
Additional videos are included to enhance your practice with use of the various props, as well as a soothing gentle slow flow class and a restorative yoga class for deep relaxation (great for evening!), shorter breaks of doing it anywhere and anytime, and a live bonus video of a more advanced class.
3rd Trimester Panic Support This is perfect for you if you are in your third trimester and you are feeling like you are scared or have no control, or maybe you are feeling like your voice isn’t being honored for your preferences.
Planning a hospital birth but want holistic midwifery consulting and care, what you are not getting from your current provider? You can do this with Anne via zoom or phone (US only).
This could range from counseling on healthy living, holistic modalities for common issues and discomforts of pregnancy, to creating your birth preferences and empowering you to have a homebirth like experience in the hospital/birthing naturally and avoiding unnecessary intervention, to postpartum planning, support and care you are not getting, to help with newborn and breastfeeding care
This does not replace care from your primary provider.
Consultations include access to closed Home Sweet Homebirth Support Group and Community on Facebook.
There are various price options from 1 hour online consultation, to 1 hour consultation and 1/2 hour follow up, to complete pregnancy through postpartum package that includes 6 hourly consultations, weekly emails, and additional perks like lifetime access to the online Love Your Birth childbirth course. Schedule your half hour discovery call to see what service is best for you!
In Person Homebirth Midwifery Care, and Consulting in Nyack, New York if you are interested in holistic midwifery support to supplement your primary care or in person homebirth midwifery care, I'd love to meet you and provide personalized guidance and support during your journey.
Get on our list and get access to free resources!
What Our Mommas Say
“I really cannot express how grateful I am for you, Anne. Thank you for being an inspiration…” — Andrew and Lori M
“I just wanted to thank you for all you have done. I couldn’t have chosen better support!…” — Ashley
“… Thanks to you. I am myself again and am finding such joy in my beautiful healthy baby…” — Deb
“Thank you so very much for the best care possible during my pregnancy. I loved my birth experience…” — Sharon
“…thank you for all you did for our family! We were so blessed to have found you…” — Emily & Aaron
“Thank you for giving us exactly what we wanted - exceptional midwifery care. […] Thank you so much…” — Michelle R.
“we gave birth to our beautiful baby girl in the comfort of our own home. It was truly a beautiful …” — Leah & Chris
“I just wanted to reach out to send you a personal thank you message. I love YOU.…” — Nikkee
“Your warmth, and expertise before, during and after my pregnancy was truly wonderful…” — Chan
*All pregnancy coaching sessions include access to my exclusive, private Home Sweet Homebirth Support Group and Community on Facebook, especially helpful if you are a mom or planning to be one. This a supportive community of women to create tribe, enable connection and bonding with likeminded mamas going through similar experiences along the journey of becoming a mother. You can use it to support one another or to ask for needed support when going through a hard time. You can use it to share or read inspiring, empowering, uplifting and educational content. I share exclusive posts and helpful information in response to questions and concerns brought up by the group.
This does not replace care from your primary provider.