Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are so common as to be considered normal, unless they cause symptoms that bother you (such as itching, pain and bleeding). In this post, you will find tips and tricks for preventing and reducing those irritating symptoms, and you can also refer to the blog about remedies for varicosities.
But first, some clarity. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins (enlarged blood vessels) that develop inside or just outside the anal area. They are caused by a combination of factors:
Increased pressure on veins in the pelvic area from the growing uterus
The hormones of pregnancy, which increase blood volume and relax the vessel walls, allowing them to distend and become congested
An inherited tendency
The pressure of gravity from being overweight or excessive weight gain in pregnancy
Constipation and straining to push out a bowel movement
Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy - The Dos
A variety of foods that nourish the circulatory system, such as:
Citrus fruits
Berries like strawberries, blackberries and raspberries
Black currants
Plums and prunes
Apricots, grapes, cherries, cantaloupe
Broccoli and asparagus
Alfalfa sprouts
Green peppers
Squash and sweet potatoes
Fresh parsley
Buckwheat, oats, wheat germ, quinoa, and other whole grains
Brewers or nutritional yeast
Organ meats
Use lots of fresh garlic, onions, ginger and turmeric in your cooking.
Eat a bulb of fresh garlic daily. You can eat it roasted, sautéed, or raw, or even make a nice garlic-infused olive oil. Just peel and crush a full bulb, and let it soak in 1 cup of cold, expeller-pressed, extra virgin olive oil, for a couple of days. Use in dressings and marinades or any other way you use olive oil. If you’re not a garlic fan, try New Chapter’s Garlicforce caps.
And be sure to keep hydrated with at least 64 ounces of filtered, spring or well water or herbal tea daily between meals (at least 20-30 minutes before or 2 hours after eating).
Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes 5 times per week like brisk walking, swimming, dancing or prenatal yoga.
For relieving pressure on the lower veins do one of the following for 10-20 minutes twice per day (come on - they’re fun and a time for you to relax!):
Inverted yoga postures such as bridge, headstand and shoulder stand modified as needed. Use the wall for support, and don’t forget to support your body with props like blankets, bolsters or blocks .
To try legs up the wall, lie flat on the flow with your buttocks all the way to the wall elevated on a folded yoga blanket, bolster or block. When dealing with hemorrhoids using props is ideal. Let your legs rest straight up the wall for 10-20 minutes 2 times daily. Take this opportunity to relax and focus on your breathing.
While doing bridge, practice strengthening your pelvic floor muscles by placing a yoga block under your sacrum and another block between your thighs. While inhaling, tilt your pelvis up toward your face as you slowly squeeze the block and draw your entire pelvic floor upward and inward, starting from its center. Hold as long as is comfortable, then release and return to resting your sacrum on the block as you exhale. Let your breathing be smooth, relaxed and deep as you do this. It takes practice but you will get it. Start with 25 repetitions per day, and work up to 50. This exercise also provides other benefits like:
Easier birthing
Reduced tearing
Less urinary incontinence
Better sex
Improved exercise and yoga performance
Enhanced well-being
Do robust pelvic tilting for 5 minutes once or twice a day. Get on all fours and move your pelvis up and down or forward and backward. It is very helpful to coordinate the movements with your breathing. For example, you can inhale while tilting forward and exhale while tilting back, or vice versa. Gradually make the movements stronger and faster, using your core muscles to protect your back.
You can also circle your hips in both directions and do figure eights. You can also try them while standing by tilting your pelvis back and forth in the same way. Some good dance music can help you get into the rhythm!
Make sure when pushing during birth, to be on hands and knees, kneeling or standing leaning forward, or side lying, which lessens pressure on veins.
Photo by Julia Sywers
Most of the supplements and herbal remedies I recommend are available on my customized online holistic apothecary. Find the best supplements that have gone through my thorough screening process there. Look in the category for hemorrhoids and varicosities or search them individually. My online dispensary is a convenient way for you to purchase my hand-picked, professional-grade, whole food supplements and other natural health products. Ordering is simple, and the products will be shipped directly to your home or work within a few days.
Follow this supplementation protocol:
Make sure you are taking your daily supplements including whole food prenatal multivitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, so that you are getting all the nutrients you need. In addition, each day take:
1000 - 1500 mg of vitamin C with bioflavonoids until 36 weeks pregnant, then reduce to 500 mg
500 mg Rutin 1-2 times per day
Whole food B complex, or 50 mg of vitamin B6 1-2 times per day
500 mg of evening primrose, borage, black current or flaxseed oil after the first trimester
Kelp powder or capsules as directed on the container if you do not have hyperthyroidism or a sensitivity to iodine
200 - 600 IU of vitamin E until the seventh month if you are otherwise healthy, then taper to 400 IU
400 mg Magnesium
Take the homeopathic remedy Hamamelis 30 c three times per day.
If you are anemic, use herbal iron to avoid constipation.
Nettle and Oatstraw are herbs known to strengthen the vascular system, lessen varicosities and prevent them from feeling uncomfortable and swollen. Drink 1-4 cups daily of the recipe below, according to how severe and extensive your hemorrhoids are. To make your own infusion:
Soak a generous handful of dried Nettle leaf and a large pinch of Oatstraw in 1 quart boiling water for 2 hours.
Strain to a canning jar.
Add a dash of honey, lemon or lime juice, or fresh mint leaves to taste.
Drink hot or cold.
You can also take standardized extract of Horse chestnut or if higher doses are needed for more extensive cases, Venistat and use as directed on the bottle. If you are not pregnant and otherwise healthy, take Butcher’s Broom as directed on the bottle.
While sitting or lying in a comfortable quiet place, take some slow deep abdominal breaths until your mind is quiet. Then visualize your blood flowing easily through your veins in your anal area, back up to your heart, without any resistance. Imagine your varicose veins getting smaller and smaller, then eventually resolving. See yourself as healthy and strong. This can be easily added to your regular meditation practice.
When experiencing a hemorrhoid flare-up, there are a number of natural home remedies available to ease your discomfort.
Wear a small soft ice pack held in place close to the affected area by a belly band for vulvar varicosities.
Applying local herb infused compresses to the area can be very soothing and healing. You can make your own by soaking a small cloth or round pad to make a compress with the essential oils of lavender or frankincense. Make a bunch in advance and freeze them in a zip lock bag. Also try applying these and do regularly what feels best for you:
Wet or dry baking soda to relieve itching
Lemon juice or raw apple cider vinegar to reduce swelling or bleeding
Raw potato to ease swelling and pain
Garlic oil, or a peeled clove of garlic inserted into the rectum overnight to reduce swelling.
Regular Black tea bag, steeped in a little hot water for a few minutes, then squeezed to remove the water; apply it several times daily as a poultice to your hemorrhoids
Pure Aloe Vera gel to reduce bleeding
Herbal ointments containing Comfrey to help reduce swelling, bleeding and pain
An herbal combination of Plantain, and Yarrow ointment or salve to relieve pain and shrink hemorrhoids quickly
Horse Chestnut can be purchased in liquid form, and made into a compress, especially in combination with Plantain, Witch hazel, and even Pilewort and Yellow Dock root, which can be applied locally as often as needed. You can also add to your compresses Yarrow, Oak bark, Calendula, Don quai, Bayberry bark, and/or Mullein to help relieve aching and swelling, and tighten the distended veins. Any combination of these herbs can be used topically as a gel, salve, cream or ointment.
Combinations in an herbal salve or ointment to soothe and relieve hemorrhoids
Already made Witch Hazel compresses (known as Tucks in the pharmacy or Hamamelis as a homeopathic remedy in the health food section) to reduce inflammation and swelling
Homeopathic or herbal hemorrhoidal ointment or cream throughout the day and before bowel movements to ease their passage
You can also wipe yourself with these compresses after a bowel movement instead of toilet paper, or moisten the toilet paper with liquid Witch Hazel.
Smear the hemorrhoids with cream or soapy water and try to gently push them back inside. Then tighten your perineal muscles, your mula bandha and practice Kegel or pelvic floor exercises for a few minutes to help them stay in.
Try a soothing warm sitz bath for 15-20 minutes, followed by 1 minute of a cool sitz bath 4-6 times per day. A sitz bath is a special shallow container designed to sit in that fits on most toilets, and directs the water and healing herbs to the perineal and anal area.
You can add the above mentioned essential oils, herbs or Epsom salts to the water. Most hemorrhoids will shrink after a few days of frequent herbal sitz baths. This herbal sitz bath will come in handy postpartum as well, to cleanse, soothe and hasten healing.
Use a pillow or special round donut cushion when you need to sit on a chair.
Sleep on your side.
Shine a red heat lamp to affected area.
Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy - The Don’ts
When dealing with hemorrhoids, there are some foods and activities to avoid. For example:
Excessive weight gain and constipation, as they will aggravate and contribute to varicosities.
Straining on the toilet or sitting in the squatting position for prolonged periods, as it increases pressure in the area and encourages hemorrhoids.
Highly processed and refined white flour products, foods that are high in sugar, refined vegetable oils or partially hydrogenated fat and chemicals.
Long periods of sitting or standing (try to rest on your side with your hips and legs elevated three times daily).
Sitting on hard surfaces (instead, use an inflatable tube seat or cushion).
Squatting while pushing in labor.
Consuming the following can aggravate hemorrhoids:
Black pepper
Hot sauces and curries
Coffee (even decaffeinated)
Cigarette smoke
Consult a professional homeopath or acupuncturist skilled in traditional Chinese medicine, osteopath or chiropractor especially if none of the above suggestions help and your problem is chronic.
Contact your provider or schedule a consultation with me if nothing seems to work or if you have severe pain, persistent bleeding or lumps. Also, check with your provider before using any over-the-counter medication, as most drugs relieve symptoms without healing the problem and contain toxins like mercury or other substances that are not safe during pregnancy.
For further inspiration and optimal health during pregnancy, birthing and postpartum, please make sure to take my online Love Your Birth course, so you can ROCK your journey wherever and however you plan to give birth.
In adjunct, for additional helpful and uplifting information, insights and tips you can read my Natural Birth Secrets book.
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